FIFUR and its certified fur breeders oppose the introduction by the Finnish Food Authority of an exclusive antibody test for fur animals and the compulsory killing of tens of thousands of healthy animals based on antibodies alone. FIFUR calls on the authorities to return to the broader diagnostics required by law and to apply legal measures. In FIFUR’s view, the mere testing of antibodies and the strict coercive measures imposed on the basis of them are contrary to the Animal Diseases Act and infringe the basic legal protection of entrepreneurs' property.

FIFURs’ member breeders continue to improve biosecurity and bird control by all appropriate means in cooperation with the authorities. The risk of avian influenza can be averted, and fur farming continues safely in Finland. In recent weeks, fur breeders and the industry have been heavily accused. FIFUR stresses that infections are not caused by the fur industry and calls for a discussion on the real causes of avian influenza.
FIFUR has been informed that five fur farms in Finland allegedly had been invaded and secretly photographed in the course of 2022. FIFUR has received a video clip via AFP news agency, and FIFUR has studied the content of the clip.
The seminar on 10 May 2022 provided an interesting overview of the current sustainability projects in the fur industry and a look at the future of fur farming.
The first FIFUR member farmers have started vaccinations against SARS-Cov2-coronavirus on Finnish farmed mink stock on their farms.
“The Finnish fur industry will be the first operator in EU to vaccinate animals against corona”, says FIFUR’s CEO Marja Tiura
The Finnish Food Authority, under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which supervises veterinary activities in Finland, has granted a conditional usage permit under the Medicines Act for a mink coronavirus vaccine developed in a joint project between FIFUR and a group of researchers at the University of Helsinki.
The Finnish Fur Breeders' Association FIFUR and researchers at the University of Helsinki are developing a corona vaccine for mink and Finnraccoon. The goal is to have a vaccine that protects farm animals against covid-19 as soon as possible for widespread use and distribution.

No coronavirus infections have been detected in Finnish fur animals and the situation on the farms is calm. The Finnish Fur Breeders' Association FIFUR and its member companies have been combating the spread of coronavirus to Finnish fur farms since the spring of 2020. Systematic preparedness and increased protection measures will continue on farms and in all activities in the fur branch. The good co-operation between Finland's fur industry and the authorities in the fight against coronavirus infections also continues.

Invaders have broken into several fur farms in June-July in Finland and the invaders have posed a risk of spreading infectious diseases, including the Covid-19-virus, to both animals and farm workers.

Fox pelts certified in accordance with the European WelFur standard will be on offer for the first time during the international fur auction at Saga Furs in Helsinki, Finland, 19-20 December 2019. WelFur is the biggest and most comprehensive animal welfare programme ever to be implemented across an entire continent, which count 2,918 European mink and fox farms currently housing 35 million animals.